Policies and procedures provide the college community with a written expression of the college’s perspective on governance and context for decision making. All members of the college community (faculty, staff, students and general public) are expected to be familiar with both general and specific policies and regulations that affect employment or the fulfillment of their position’s responsibilities.
The Navajo County Community College District Governing Board is responsible for approving all college policies, guaranteeing the integrity of the college, ensuring that effective policies are established, and entrusting the administration of those policies to the College President. These policies help the college accomplish its mission, support equity and fairness, and maintain accountability.
Policies are organized by categories and numbered by the 100's in the pull down menu above.
Procedures describe specific actions to be taken to conform with established college policies. Procedures have wide applicability – they impact academic and administrative areas, all employees, or college activities as they relate to students, alumni, the community, and the general public.
Procedures are based on a policy, organized by category and numbered in the 2000s to 3100s, in the pull down menu above.
NPC follows a prescribed policy and procedure development process which allows for proposals to be vetted by college leadership and the college community prior to implementation. Policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and revised when necessary. Review and/or revision dates are noted. Policies and procedures without links are on the website as placeholders and may be under development.